Thursday, 11 October 2007

Water Theme

Waterfalls have been made by God Perfectly!

Anyone who doesn't have water gets sick.

Tastes like nothing you've tasted before.

Everyone must have water.

Rai n drops are music to my ears.

Monday, 8 October 2007


In the holidays I mostly just sat on my X-box and watched tv,but Levi came around to my place after Sublime (youth group) and he was looking at a picture on my shelf and the shelf broke and we were just about to go on the computers and the power went off. there were some guys putting in new power-poles which was really annoying cause it went off from 10:00am till 3:00pm. So we went into town and did his paper run and he wanted to stay another cause the power went off so he stayed another night. The next day we played on the computers for the whole day almost. After that he went home.